Welcome back to my ramblings about things that fascinate me about our digital hellscape. Today we are talking about the case of the Lake City Quiet Pills, an ongoing mystery that starts with a perverted subreddit and ends with the real-world implications of assassination.

First, we will start by talking about Milo, also known as u/ReligionOfPeace on Reddit. Milo was the progenitor of r/jailbait, a subreddit where grown men would post photos of adolescent girls and discuss how attractive they were. This disgusting subreddit was Milos, but he frequented many places around Reddit, often talking about his political views, and was known to be quite volatile, often responding to people he didn't agree with in a hostile manner. He was quoted as responding to someone with "fuck off and die spammer," illustrating his attitude in some instances. He also talked in some detail about his supposed time in the military, where he enlisted at 13, and he talked about being stationed in Palestine from 1946 until 1949, as well as claiming he was at the Battle of Normandy.

May 18th, 2009 (OMG, May 18 is my birthday!) Milo began running an image host, citing that his distrust in commercial image hosts made him decide to maintain his own. The image host was called "That Old Guys image host" at the URL lakecityquietpills.com. This was, at first glance, a normal image hosting site with rules and regulations as to what was posted on the site.